Chakra Clearing & Balancing with Reiki

Chakras are described as wheels of energy. They correspond to our nervous system which stems from our spine at specific locations along the body. There are 7 main chakras, beginning at the base of the spine (root chakra) through to the top of the head (crown chakra). They contain our emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual states of being.

This is an interactive session which involves testing the energy of each chakra and releasing blocked energy from past pain, trauma, or old beliefs to bring the entire system into balance. Service provided by: Julie Johnston

Food Sensitivity Testing

Hidden Food Sensitivities are often at the root of many mental & physical conditions including: Arthritis, Auto-immune Disorders, Behavioural Issues, Bowel Disorders, Brain Fog, Chronic Infections, Dark Circles under Eyes, Depression, Digestive Problems, Fatigue, Food Addictions/Cravings,Headaches, Hyperactivity, Weight Issues, Insomnia, Learning Disabilities, Skin Conditions, etc… Symptoms of chronic food reactions are not always directly observable as they are due to issues of metabolism and can take days to manifest. Almost any food can cause an adverse reaction. There is no food that is ideal for everyone. Ongoing food challenges put a significant strain on the immune system, and often cause damage and inflammation to the intestinal wall. Avoidance of the offending foods as well as appropriate supplemental support allows the digestive system to heal in a relatively short period of time. Service provided by: Rose Bridgeo

Hair Mineral Analysis

Hair tissue mineral analysis is a sophisticated laboratory technique used in preventive medicine for assessing mineral imbalances and toxicities of Heavy Metals in the human body. Toxicity of Heavy Metals is correlated with Learning Challenges in children and adults. Service provided by: Rose Bridgeo

Holistic Nutritional Consultation

Personal guidance through holistic nutrition involves an evaluation of the present state of health and recommendations as individually needed. Detoxification, food sensitivity identification, restructuring of daily food programs, natural juices and fasting through nutrition can assist to re-balancing the energy of the human body. Service provided by: Rose Bridgeo

iMRS Mattress System with Sound and Light Relax System

The new iMRS System is a sophisticated and technologically advanced German engineered system that emits a very specific and focused form of beneficial pulsed energy waves that are similar to the energy frequencies produced by the earth ranging from .05 – 25 HZ

An eight minute treatment is like non-invasive massage.
There are eight ways this will supercharge your health.
– Encourage stronger bones
– Relaxes and de-stresses you
– Delivers soothing pain relief
– Improves immunity
– Boosts energy
– Enables better sleep
– Vitamins and minerals are better absorbed
– Repairs and regenerates nerves and tissues
Service provided by: Mike Bridgeo and Art Capelle


Usui Shiki Ryoho – The Usui System of Reiki Natural Healing – is a spiritual practice of holistic healing that was discovered and traditionally developed in Japan by Mikao Usui. Reiki is a Japanese term that comes from two words – Rei and Ki. When used together for the practice of healing, the word Rei means God, Great Spirit, Universal Life Force, and the word Ki refers to the life energy that is guided by God. (Universal Life Force Energy)
All things are made of energy and it is used in a Reiki treatment to create movement and balance. When your life energy flow is high, you feel strong and confident, are more relaxed and centered and less likely to get sick. When it is low, you often feel tired, are more easily affected by stress and less resistant to illness.

A Reiki treatment aids in releasing mental, physical and emotional blocks within us which cause illness. Intuition plays a key role in all energy healing treatments, helping to sense areas that are blocked, have too much energy or are lacking energy and to know when and which area to move to next. It also can reveal emotional imbalances and physical illnesses.
Receiving Reiki can feel like a warm, glowing radiance that flows through the body. It is very relaxing and will usually release negative feelings or thoughts, leaving you feeling more positive, light-hearted, calm and energized. Healing often occurs and people have reported recovery from minor things like headache, stomach ache, back pain, injuries and sprains. Major illnesses have also been affected with some people recovering from autoimmune diseases, heart disease and cancer as well as emotional and mental imbalances.
Information, guidance and suggestions for self-care to assist you with your healing are discussed following the treatment. Julie Johnston

Practitioners keep their own hours of business.
