Rose Bridgeo

Rose Bridgeo

N.C. Holistic Nutritionist


  • Certified Advanced Holistic Nutrition (1995)
  • Therapeutic Touch Level I & II
  • Reiki Level I
  • EMF Level I & II
  • Homeopathy (present studies)

Services Offered:
Food Sensitivity Testing, Holistic Nutrition Consultation, Hair Mineral Analysis.
Specializing in care for children with special needs:
Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, ADD, ADHD.

Description of Services:
Food Sensitivity Testing – Suffering from conditions such as headaches, insomnia, arthritis, acid reflux, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, learning disabilities, intestinal disorders, etc? Food sensitivities can often be directly attributed to poor health. Find out what foods are nourishing and healthful for you and what foods are putting stress on your body.

Personal Holistic Nutrition Consultation:
The world of nutritional information can often be confusing and overwhelming. I offer a personalized approach to determining what your body requires and/or what it needs to get rid of. Many health challenges are due to cellular toxicity and nutritional deficiencies. I will guide you through this complex process to optimal physical health.

Holistic Nutrition & Disease:
Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Digestive and Bowel Disorders, Weight Control, Autism, Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity.

To schedule an appointment with Rose, please call: 519-336-7944

New Client Documents:

Health Evaluation

Weekly Food Record